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Choose from
the 2 options below! Watch the video for more info.
Fast track your physique with my comprehensive coaching plan
Lose fat fast. Get a six pack quickly and safely
Add serious muscle with my bulking protocol for skinny guys
Very high level of coach / client interaction throughout - Unlimited support
Fully comprehensive and personalised resistance, cardio and nutrition protocol
Dynamic protocol that changes based off of feedback/performance.
Natural bodybuilding competition prep
45 minute consultation via WhatsApp/Zoom
Discuss a range of topics of your choosing from training philosophy to diet or motivation.
In depth analysis of current training protocol, nutrition and lifestyle.
Exercise technique and intensity analysis via video footage provided.
Posing analysis and guidance for bodybuilding shows.
Develop strategy to overcome problems and drive progression fowards.
Pick my brains about
training theory, nutrition
and mentality
Don't waste precious time trying to figure out how to improve your physique. My guidance will ensure fast, consistent progress that could get your body to where you want in LESS time.
Build muscle safely with my help without the need for harmful drugs. Let me handle the details of your physique journey, so you can focus on reaching your maximum potential as a natural athlete. I'll refine your training, nutrition and mindset that will help to fast forward your progress. All I require is dedication and good communication.
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